Joan Halifax, Ph.D. is a Buddhist teacher and an anthropologist.
Her academic teaching credentials include being on the faculty of
University, the University of Miami School of Medicine, the New School
Social Research, the Naropa Institute and the California Institute for
Her books include: The Human Encounter with Death (with Stanislav Grof),
Shamanic Voices, Shaman: the Wounded Healer, The Fruitful Darkness,
Simplicity in the Complex: A Buddhist Life in America and Being with
Joan has worked with individuals suffering from life-threatening
since 1970. She has worked with indigenous healing systems in southern
Florida and with indigenous peoples in Asia and the Americas on
environmental and health issues.
In 1979, she founded The Ojai Foundation where she lived and worked
At that time, she founded Upaya in Santa Fe, NM, where she now
teaches, and works in the New Mexico Penitentiary with maximum-security
prisoners and men on death row, works with individuals who have
catastrophic illnesses and is the founder of the Project on Being with
She has practiced Buddhism since the late 1960s and was formally
ordained in 1976 by Zen Master Seung Sahn. In 1990, she received the
Lamp Transmission from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and is a
Dharmacarya in the Tiep Hien Order. She is a Founding Teacher in the Zen
Peacemaker Order of Roshi Bernie Glassman and the late Sensei Jishu
Holmes and is a Soto Priest and teacher.
übersetzt von
Dr. Ulrike Greenway
think it is important for us to look at whether our mothers,
grandmothers, our ancestors experienced - in how they inspired us and
guided into the life we have chosen to live today.”
(“Und da ist es auch wichtig, dass wir nach unseren weiblichen
Vorfahren suchen und sie neu entdecken unsere Mütter und Großmütter,
die Vorbilder waren in ihrer Art zu leben und auch wie sie ihre eigene
Spiritualität entwickelt haben.”) |
77 Min. VHS-PAL
Amerikanisch / Deutsch
Aufgezeichnet am 1.4.2000
in Köln während des Kongresses
Frauen und Buddhismus |
“Strong back, soft front.”
zur Homepage von Joan Halifax Roshi |