Tara Mandala was founded by Tsultrim Allione in 1993. Tsultrim was
raised in New England, as Joan Rousmaniere Ewing. At a young age, she
became interested in Buddhism through her grandmother, Frances
Rousmaniere Dewing, one of the first women to receive a doctorate
degree in philosophy from Harvard University. Tsultrim, impressed by
the depth the Tibetans had reached in understanding spirituality, was
ordained by H.H. Karmapa in 1970. Before the Cultural Revolution and
Chinese Occupation, one third of their population lived in monasteries.
Tsultrim believed
that amongst the Tibetans she had found a possible means of providing a
direction for Westerners seeking a spiritual path. She found the
Tibetan teachers were
holding a living wisdom tradition which had been carefully transmitted
from teacher to
disciple without interruption for centuries.
Tsultrim trained in language and meditation in the Himalayas for
several years. In India
and Nepal, she studied with Apho Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, Sapchu
Rinpoche, Khamtrul
Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche, and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. During her time
in the
Himalayas, Tsultrim formulated her vision of a meditation center
similar to those in Tibet,
but adapted to the West.
Tsultrim returned to the USA from Nepal in 1973 and began to study with
Trungpa, Rinpoche. After a year as the only Tibetan Buddhist nun in
America, she
returned her vows, feeling her robes and ordained status created a
barrier, rather than
facilitating her practice in the West. Tsultrim then married and after
the birth of three
children sought to integrate meditation with motherhood. During this
time she taught at
Naropa University. In 1979, she moved to Italy where she studied with
Namkhai Norbu
Rinpoche for seven years. Her dream of a retreat center was put on hold
as she raised
her children and continued studying meditation with Namkhai Norbu
Rinpoche, returning to
the United Sates in 1986.
Tsultrim's search for meaningful models for women on a spiritual path
lead to the writing
of her groundbreaking book, Women of Wisdom (1984, 2001), the
translation of six
biographies of great Tibetan women spiritual teachers. Tsultrim has
taught Buddhism since
1974, serving as a bridge between East and West, and bringing a woman's
experience and
honor of the sacred feminine to her teaching. |
Vortrag und Chöd-Meditation
übersetzt von Sylvia Wetzel
“…When women come together, all kinds of things happen. That’s why they keep us apart.”
“…if we really see that the world is our own projection then we also
see that when we relax that projection our external mandala changes.”
(”…wenn wir die Welt als unsere Projection erkennen, werden wir
feststellen, dass wenn wir diese Projektion entspannen, sich auch unser
äußeres Mandala verändert.”) |
86 Min. VHS-PAL
Amerikanisch / Deutsch
Aufgezeichnet am 1.4.2000
in Köln während des Kongresses
Frauen und Buddhismus |
“…the root of chöd…is offering
rather than battling.”
Vortrag und Tara-Praxis
”Und die Art, wie ich die Tara-Übung mache ist, dass wir tatsächlich Tara werden.
“The deity…is already present…a subtle shift in consciousness and there she is.”
(”Die Göttin…ist bereits gegenwärtig…ein ganz subtiler Übergang im Bewusstsein, und da ist sie.”) |
“So the way I do Tara is where we actually become her.”
77 Min. VHS-PAL
Amerikanisch / Deutsch
Aufgezeichnet am 1.4.2000
in Köln während des Kongresses
Frauen und Buddhismus |
Veröffentlichungen von Tsultrim Allione in deutscher Sprache sind
erschienen im Theseus Verlag.
zur Homepage von Tsültrim Allione |